Why I’m quitting social media as a business owner

I can feel this general shift- people are quitting social media, and I’m one of them. 


I think we can all agree that there’s an addicting aspect of being on social media. But when did that need start? 

Was it when Instagram introduced the unlimited feed?

Was it when TikTok bombarded us with short-form video?

Was it when the algorithm started sending me dog videos?

I can’t pinpoint exactly when it started, but maybe that’s the point. It’s been a slow burn this entire time. Introducing small, subtle changes so we adjust… and then crave it even more.

Even as I’m writing this, I can’t help but notice the urge I feel to check my phone. To log into Instagram and “catch up” on my feed for the day (knowing damn well I’m really just looking for a quick dopamine hit).

I hate it. I love it. And then I hate it again.

Social media is like being in a relationship you *know* you shouldn’t be in, but you stay anyway. Because there are no other options, right? Especially as a business owner. How do I market my business without being on Tiktok? Everyone is passing me up!! Am I missing out on not being on Instagram? What would I be without it? Who would I be without it?

And that’s one of the main reasons why I’m quitting social media… because I’ve lost sight of who I am without it. And I don’t like who it’s making me become. 

I’m more agitated.




All because of a tiny screen!!! I’m fed up. And I’m going to do something about it. 


My history with social media is complicated. 

In 2020, I started an Instagram and Tiktok account called @energy.with.emily where I posted workouts and shared my story with disordered eating and body image. It was supposed to just be an outlet for me, nothing more. I never imagined my following would grow to over 35,000 people. 

I posted every day for 4 years!!!! I connected with people online constantly. I felt like I was making a true impact. Social media can be a powerful tool to do that… and maybe that’s why this feels like a hard breakup for me. 

Because it DID do a lot for me- but eventually, the pressure, comparison, and anxiety had built up so much, I had to step away. 

The algorithm always starts with fun, lighthearted videos- dogs swimming, DIY home makeovers, memes… but then there’s the switch. It’s no longer fun content, but content it knows will keep you on the app. Content that picks at your deepest insecurities. Content that calls out your toxic work situation. Content that tells you you “should be doing XYZ to become more successful.” Ah- it’s not so fun anymore, is it? Yet you can’t put the damn phone down. 

So as I was sitting in my 400 sq ft studio apartment this time last year (deep in a scroll), I let the feeling of disgust wash over me. I let it completely take me under. Because that’s how I felt- truly disgusted with myself. How could I have let it get to this point? How could I have let this tiny app on this tiny screen control my life like it had been for the past- uh, I don’t know- 10 years?! 

I told myself that day, “I can’t do this anymore… I need a break.”

And that’s exactly what I did. 

At the end of 2023, I shut my account down and completely logged off for 7 months. It was so healing. Rejuvenating. Calming. I felt like my brain was being bandaged back up- I started to feel like myself again. 

And it was then that I knew I was onto something.


After graduating college last December, I dove right into starting my own business. Again, I was off social media, I didn’t have an email list- I was relying solely on referrals… and it worked. I was doing such a great job for my clients that they kept referring me to more people. I was telling everyone about what I did and made sure to create meaningful relationships with people. If you’re just starting your own business, or are struggling to get clients from social media, serving your current audience REALLY well and getting referrals is a great spot to be in. 

Here’s a timeline of my journey with graduation, starting my business, and bouncing on & off social media. 

You’ll see in May of this year I *tried* getting back on Instagram (same thing with the end of October) but it clearly didn’t work out. During the times that I posted, I didn’t get a single client from social media, and I maybe got 1 email list subscriber. 

You could argue that it takes time on these apps, which I absolutely agree with. However, I realized that all of my best clients were coming from places OTHER than social media. So how do I double down on that? 

In August, I decided to start up my newsletter again. I knew just how important email lists were for marketing, and because I was helping OTHER entrepreneurs get their email lists up & running, I knew I needed to do the same for my business. I’ve had slow, but steady growth with my newsletter… and I’m okay with that. 

My audience is incredibly engaged (86% open rate!!!)- I’ll continue updating you all on its growth and share how I’m doing that without social media. 


The first year in my business was truly just about figuring things out. I was learning what I was good at. Who I wanted to help. How to run a business. Marketing was challenging because I didn’t have a clear picture of these things yet. And let’s be honest, I’m still learning.

Heading into 2025, my plans for calm, sustainable marketing include: 

  1. Starting this blog
  2. Starting a podcast (possibly??)
  3. Network, network, network
  4. Speaking at in-person events
  5. Continue emailing my amazing list!! Provide such great value that they share it with others

I want to focus on building my credibility, and the best way to do that is through long-form content (like a podcast or blog) where I can really share my ideas and expertise. The great thing about a blog is that it’s evergreen, meaning the content lives on the internet forever. In 5 years, someone could find this blog post and decide they want to work with me. That doesn’t happen on Instagram, because content dies within 24 hours!!!

Another great thing about evergreen content is that it’s SEARCHABLE. Someone could type “marketing without social media” into Google, and they could find my blog through that! Pretty cool! So- we’ll see how I like this, and hopefully (within a year), I’ll be able to say that it works with the right strategy. 


Social media is not good for my mental health. I find myself stuck in the constant loop of comparison, especially as a business owner. So I’m getting off of it!! Yes, that means *not* marketing myself on social media. 

Over the past year, I’ve been able to run a sustainable business without social media, and I plan to continue that. In 2025, my marketing goals are to 1.) start a blog 2.) start a podcast 3.) network 4.) do more public speaking 5.) continue emailing my list. 

I plan to use this blog to share my findings! Thanks for being here!

Here are some additional articles about other entrepreneurs who have quit social media.

  1. Greg Faxon
  2. Alexandra Franzen
  3. Seth Werkheiser 


Hey, I’m Emily. I hate writing “about me” sections because I feel like I don’t really know what to fit into 200 characters. I’m a lot of things- and they’re always changing. I’m a creative at heart. I’m multi-passionate. And I love to learn. 

Over the past year, I’ve been running my small business helping other business owners become their best marketers- in a sustainable, fun, & ethical way. If you’d like to learn more, you can join my newsletter HERE

Thanks for reading! 

2 responses to “Why I’m quitting social media as a business owner”

  1. Absolutely awesome. So well put, and can’t wait to hear more!!